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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

American History Book Club for Parents

So, I'm finally starting the American history book club I've planned for a while. You should join. We'll read a new book every month and discuss online and -- if possible -- in person. If it happens that we have a few book club members in Brooklyn, for example, I'd definitely like to plan a meeting at somewhere convenient for all of us. Somewhere the kids can play while we talk about the book.

The first book, for the month of January, is The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope by Jonathan Alter. Yes, this is one of the books on FDR that Obama has been reading. When I read about this book in the New York Times yesterday, I decided to bump my original choice, A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmstead and America in the 19th Century by Witold Rybczynski. I just thought it would be fun -- for once in a my life -- to read something topical and current (see p.s. below). We might read the book about Olmstead during a future month.

Questions? Suggestions on how to conduct our online discussions or where to meet for our possible in-person discussion. Please let me know.

Our meeting (s) will happen mid-January.

Lloyd (Ulysses S. Dee)

p.s. My "topical and current" comment above is not meant to imply that Olmstead is in any way not topical or current. In fact, his works of art are essential parts of my daily life and regularly keep me from falling into despair. For much of my adult life, though, I've tended to avoid current events and the latest news updates in favor of tales from the distant and not-so-distant past so reading a book that I read about in the newspaper is a very novel experience for me.