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Friday, June 18, 2010

Keep voting for the Dees until July 6th -- Nickelodeon awards voting period extended

Hi Dees fans,
Nickelodeon has extended the nomination period for their Parents Picks awards. That means you can keep voting for the Deedle Deedle Dees every day until July 6th.

We're eligible in two categories:

Best Kids Music CD
for our album, American History + Rock-n-Roll = The Deedle Deedle Dees. You'll find it under "t" for "The."

Best Party Entertainer
Many of you have hired me, Ulysses S. Dee (Lloyd Miller), for your party. You can vote for me as "The Deedle Deedle Dees (Rock for Kids!)" Also under "t."

You can nominate us once a day, every day, from now until JULY 6th at

If you're having trouble figuring out how to vote, here's what you do:

• To vote for our album -->Click on "Products," then "kids music CD." You'll find our album there.

• To vote for Lloyd and the Deedle Deedle Dees for party entertainter--->Click on "Places," then "New York City," then "party entertainter. You'll find the band name there.

By the way, you have to join Nickelodeon Parents Connect to vote. You can choose to receive no communication from them in the future -- it's a painless membership.

see you soon,
Lloyd (Ulysses S. Dee)

next show:
Brooklyn Promenade (north end)
this Saturday, June 19
11:30 am
our first completely acoustic show in years

New sing-a-long videos just posted on our sing-a-long YouTube channel!