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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Track listing for the new record

These titles aren't all final. We're just posting them to help you if you're participating in our Facebook poll to name the record.

Sacagawea (Sock It to 'Em)
we reach for Queen levels of rock pomposity on this tune sung from the POV of William Clark

River of Blood
a song about the circulatory system

Marie Curie
featuring Moby Dee's first singing on record -- in French!

Sojourner Truth
written for a show about the history of the Northampton area

Dead Horse Bay
written for our "Underwater Halloween" show, a collaboration with Underwater New York.

Bluebird > Redbird, Redbird > Reef
a ballad for the subway cars that originally took passengers to the World's Fair then were painted graffiti-proof red, then were eventually sunk to become reefs

Cool Papa Bell
about the Negro League star

A Song for Abigail Adams
a love song sung by an idealized John Adams

Skating in Old Bryant Park
What if the statue of William Cullen Bryant behind the New York Public Library got up and started ice skating?

Birds of America Don't Care-Oh
Audubon's birds talk back. They don't like those paintings as much as everyone else does.

Whaleship Essex
The tale that inspired Moby Dick retold with a fake PBS narrator, rapping, singing sailor ghosts and other weirdness.

Camperdown Elm
an ode to my favorite Brooklyn tree

Ahimsa, the philosophy of non-violence practice by Gandhi, is harder to put into practice than you think. I wrote an original draft of this Bollywood send-up while working with a wild class in the South Bronx studying India.

Henry (Hudson), How Ya Gonna Find a Way?
original draft written for a school show in Westchester. They were doing a Hudson 400 curriculum.

Penny Farthing
about those dangerous cousins to bicycles with one giant wheel and one tiny one.

Bo Obama
a story song about allergies, hypo-allergenic dogs, and one dog's rise to the White House

Phineas Gage
A hip hop account of the famous neurological case

The Day I Ran into Mayor LaGuardia's Belly
Esther, grandma of Moby Dee (Ari Dolegowski) tells one of her famous stories over a swinging tune written by Chris (Booker Dee)

The Golem
A marching / dancing tune about the mythical creature / superhero made of mud.